music news


Welcome to  Our Site!

111 Lebanon Avenue 
Colchester, Ct  06415 

(860) 537-6619  


Tracy's Tunes Welcoming Committee

Hi!  My name is Dottie!  I am the official welcoming committee at Tracy's Tunes! I am an English Pointer and I'm now 1 year old.  I like shoelaces and my big brother Bingo.  I can't wait to meet you! 

Our new inventory

Here are some pictures of the Samek guitar we have here.

Here are some pictures of our scholastic guitar.  It's great for beginners! 

Here is our new Fender acoustic/electric guitar.  It sounds great!  Come in and try it today!

For more info, go to this website.

Brighten your days with a Ukulele and lessons!  Lots of colors in stock!

Follow us on Twitter!


* Packaging may vary as manufacturers change the artwork periodically.

Copyright © 2000

